Friday, April 8, 2011

For the Love of Books

Sometimes I'm slow to notice things under my nose.  And I often have someone small right under my nose.  My most recent oversight was our youngest really starting get books.  He's always been interested in books, as many small children are (here and here).  When we read to him, he would often want to look at pictures and insist on turning pages before we could get through the only three words on them.  He was learning the mechanics of reading.

A few days ago, my wife told me that E was asking her what words meant in the book she was reading.  I know this drill from our older twins (and how maddening it can be to try to explain concepts like time or outer space). 

So I was pleased when at bedtime I sat on our bed in my pjs, E sitting between my legs in his, and I read him books, cover to cover -- repeatedly.  He didn't turn pages prematurely.  And during that reading, he asked me what words meant.  How does one explain what a rocket is to a two year old?  A sky rocket that explodes in bunches of fruit no less (Jamberry).  

It was nice to have that moment with him, quiet and exciting.  And I look forward to more. 


  1. Wow, if he's doing that already I'm guessing he'll read early. How cool! He's a smart boy. :)

  2. I think that's a really cool moment! Explaining complex concepts in an understandable way is a skill I try to use often...

    Sometimes, the quiet moments mean the most! :)

  3. @The Cat Bastet: Yes, he's smart; a real troublemaker.

    @Nancy: Yea, I don't have much luck here. I tell them to ask their mother.
